Schools Prize in the History of Mathematics

Schools Prize in the History of Mathematics

The BSHM is pleased to launch its 2024-25 School Prize in the History of Mathematics. 

Every year the British Society for the History of Mathematics gives prizes for the best essays or presentations on some aspect of the history of mathematics. We give awards to two age groups: 11-15 year olds and 16-19 year old students. Please note previous winners or runners up in a specific age group cannot submit another entry for that age group. The competition is only open to those studying in schools in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. 

For 2024-25, we are asking strudents to write or make a presentation/film/song (or make a submission in any other medium) on Ethnomathematics

For these prizes we are defining Ethnomathematics as the the mathematical ideas of traditional peoples for instance, including (but not limited to) Inuit, Navajo, Incas of South America, the Māori, the Aborignal peoples of Australia, Caroline Islanders of Oceania, the Bushoon, and Kpelle of Africa, and/or a consideration of the broad practices of communities that typically fall outside of the traditional discipline boundaries of the mathematical sciences.  These activities, with algorithmic and/or geometric characteristics, include weaving, design, carving, string games, construction, recreational pursuits, ritual, to name a few. 

No topic within this area is off limits, but the story of course had to relate to a real historical development or event. Submissions which did not relate to this subject area are not considered.  For further details, please continue reading and any queries can be sent to Education Officer Ciarán Mac an Bhaird.  

Essay submissions should be 1000 words max in length (excluding references), other media submissions should be of equivalent length–video/audio content might be approximately 5 minutes in length. If you are submitting in a format other than writing, please upload your submission to a cloud storage provider and submit a covering document with a link to this upload. 

There will be two first prizes (£100) in the above groups, and as many run-up prizes (£20 each) as we find appropriate. As a winner or a runner-up, in addition to the financial reward, you will also receive a certificate from the BSHM.

The deadline for the 2024-25 competition is 27th June 2025, midnight. More information about how to submit is coming soon. We look forward to considering your submissions!

For a list of previous winners and their essay topics, please see here.