Recreational Mathematics and its History: A workshop in memory of David Singmaster

Recreational Mathematics and its History: A workshop in memory of David Singmaster

Saturday 21 September 2024 - 9.30 to 17.00
De Morgan House, London and Online

A one-day interactive meeting to celebrate the life and works of recreational mathematician David Singmaster (find out more about him here). The day will include talks on the history of recreational mathematics - such as the Rubiks cube and combinatorial problems - as well as a chance to get stuck into mathematical puzzles in a session on tiling. Book your tickets here.


  • 10.15 Welcome
  • 10.30 Katie Steckles, The Maths of Rubik's Cube
  • 11.00 Adam Atkinson, Debunking and "improving" an obscure Italian gambling myth
  • 11.30 Break
  • 11.45 Peter Rowlett, Recreational mathematics in education
  • 12.15 Vinay Kathotia, How do shapes fill space? Aperiodic tilings – spectres, tortoises and all hat…
  • 12.45 Lunch
  • 14.00 Robin Wilson, David Singmaster: Friend and combinatorialist
  • 14.30 Colin Wright, David Singmaster: Personal memories of the man and his maths
  • 15.00 Break
  • 15.30 Tiago Hirth, The French Sphinx
  • 16.00 Lisa Rougetet*, Why take an interest in mathematical recreations? An historical overview through a mechanical puzzle: the Baguenodier
  • 16.30 Closing Remarks
  • 16.45 End of Day

*This talk will have an interactive component that may make it less accessible to online participants. All other interactive elements will be aimed at both in-person and remote participants.

Tickets can be booked via eventbrite: Recreational Mathematics and its History: In memory of David Singmaster Tickets, Sat 21 Sep 2024 at 09:30 | Eventbrite