RiP 2022

Research in Progress

RiP 2022

Saturday 26 February 2022 (All day)
The Queen's College, Oxford and online

Pre-registration at the conference is necessary; online sales through eventbrite have now ended, so if you would like to attend please get in touch with the organisers  & .

The meeting is planned to go ahead in person, with online attendance possible.

Research in Progress is an annual meeting of the British Society for the History of Mathematics. It provides an opportunity for research students in any area of the history of mathematics to present their work to a friendly and supportive audience.


Provisional Programme

PDF icon Programme & Abstracts as of 12 Jan 2022

*Talks marked with an asterisk will be delivered remotely

09:30–09:45 Registration
09:45–10:00 BSHM Welcome
10:00–10:30 PAUL FELTON (The Open University) The Popularisation of Mathematics in Britain during the 19th Century*
10:30–11:00 BENJAMIN WILCK (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Was Euclid a Platonist Philosopher?
11:00–11:30 KATE HINDLE (University of St Andrews) On the Thirteen Semi-Regular Solids of Archimedes: Investigating D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson’s Mathematics
11:30–12:00 Refreshment break
12:00–12:30 PETRA BUŠKOVÁ (Masaryk University, Brno) Bernard Bolzano and Paradoxes of the Infinite*
12:30–12:45 ELLEN FLOWER BSHM Undergraduate Essay
Prizewinner 2021. The ‘Analysis’ of a Century: The Influence of Published Works and the Attitudes of their Authors on the Etymological Development of the Word ‘Analysis’ in a Mathematical Context to 1750
12:45–13:00 GEORGE WATERS (London School of Economics and Political Science) BSHM Undergraduate Essay Prizewinner 2021. Exploring the Use of Mathematics to Obtain Consensus
13:00–14:00 Lunch in the Magrath Room
14:00-14:30 ELENA SCALAMBRO (Università degli Studi di Torino) B. Fano's Contributions on Three-Dimensional Varieties through the 'Heritage' Investigation Lens*
14:30–15:00 AOIFE KEARINS (University of Cambridge) ‘Sincere Lovers of and Earnest Inquirers After Truth’: George Gabriel Stokes and the Gifford Lectures
15:00–15:30 DINH-VINH COLOMBAN (University Paris-Nanterre)
Can probability match reality? The Bernoulli–Leibniz Dispute on the Law of Large Numbers
15:30–16:00 Refreshment break
16:00–17:00 JIM BENNETT (Science Museum, London) Invited lecture: Mathematics and Elizabethan Dreams of Empire
17:00 Close of meeting