Chronicles of Brilliance in Mathematical Performance (A Mathematics for Humanity Programme)

Chronicles of Brilliance in Mathematical Performance (A Mathematics for Humanity Programme)

Monday 24 March 2025 (All day) to Friday 28 March 2025 (All day)
Edinburgh Futures Institute

This workshop aims to facilitate an investigation of the history and pedagogy of the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) as a way of improving available information about mathematics communities broadly, and those involved with this movement more specifically. Two general aspects of this history will be the focus of the workshop: the problem-solving nature of competitions, and the narratives and influences the IMO has on the global mathematics communities. The growing scholarship about the movement in general, and an increased interest in it from the perspective of investigating international mathematics communities, identities, and mathematical practices will allow us to open up discussions which will enable participants and organisers to further articulate and disseminate some common themes currently being re-examined on the international stage in relation to mathematical competitions.

To apply to attend, see: Chronicles of Brilliance in Mathematical Performance (A Mathematics for Humanity Programme) | ICMS - International Centre for Mathematical Sciences