Research in Progress 2016

Research in Progress 2016

Saturday 27 February 2016 - 10.30 to 17.00
Shulman Auditorium, The Queen's College, Oxford

The programme and abstracts for this meeting are now available. Please note that the meeting will open for coffee and registration at 10:30am and will begin at 11am, not at 10am as previously advertised. We apologise for any inconvenience that this causes.

Research in Progress is an annual meeting which provides an opportunity for research students in any area of the history of mathematics to present their work to a friendly and supportive audience.

Confirmed student speakers and talks for Research in Progress 2016 include:

  • Kevin Baker (University of Oxford)
    Did John Flamsteed read the Principia? The Astronomer Royal’s understanding of Newton’s method of first and ultimate ratios Alessandra Petrocchi (University of Cambridge)
    Sanskrit Commentarial Practices and Indian Medieval Mathematics
  • Edwin Reynolds (University of Southampton; winner of the BSHM Undergraduate Essay Prize 2015)
    Defining Continuity: Vindicating Cauchy
  • Tony Royle (Open University)
    The Impact of the Women of the Technical Section of the Admiralty Air Department on the Structural Integrity of Aircraft during World War 1


There will be a panel discussion on the theme of translating mathematics.

The keynote speaker will be Dr Stephen Johnston of the Museum for the History of Science, University of Oxford. Dr Johnston will speak on the theme of Becoming a Mathematical Practitioner.

The meeting will also include the presentation of the 2015 BSHM Neumann Prize to Sydney Padua, for her book The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage; she will also give a short talk titled Imaginary EnginesVisualising the Analytical Engine.

If you would like to register and pay online, please use the booking link below to do so via Eventbrite. If you would prefer to pay the registration fee by cash or cheque on the day of the meeting, please contact the organisers to register your intention to attend (for catering purposes).

Registration fees include lunch and refreshments. If you have any special dietary requirements, please specify them when booking.